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Published November 05, 2014 at 09:00 AM

Why Your Title Is Important To You!

3 min read
3 min read
Picture of Nancy Sacani

Nancy Sacani
a Rhythm Ambassador at Rhythm Systems

I am a Rhythm Ambassador. I love my title because it truly reflects who I am as a human not just as an buying-15810_1280employee at Rhythm Systems.

I am in sales. When I made the official leap to sales I had been talking to people about our services for some time. It wasn’t a big deal, just a logical move. The big deal came when I had to order new business cards. Oh no! Was I about to become a Sales Rep, Account Executive or something worse? 

I admit it. I have that hidden belief that the word “sales” on a business card – or more importantly, when you pick up a phone – imparts a negative feeling or response.

But why? Sales drives business, right? So why shy away from the title? It wasn’t about the words… For me, it just didn’t feel right.

When I speak with people interested in our services, I do not want to sell something. I want to have a conversation and focus on understanding the buyers’ perspectives. I want to assist them on their journey and help find a solution.

At our next Weekly Meeting of the Sales & Marketing team, we discussed the topic of titles. We all admitted it would be great to come up with new titles that truly reflected how we feel about what we do in our jobs, and that’s exactly what we did.   It was a fun brainstorming exercise. We now have a Sales & Marketing Ringleader, a Digital Rockstar, a Creative Instigator, and a Rhythm Ambassador.

My title, Rhythm Ambassador, reminds me to live our Core Value of “Going the Second Mile” for clients and our Core Purpose of “Changing the World, One Entrepreneur at a Time.” I feel it incorporates how I present myself when I communicate and how the one receiving the communication feels when my words are delivered.

In today’s marketplace people have so many options -- and they know it. The differentiator is us. It is not only about our Brand Promise or the product or service we offer, it’s about being a trusted advisor. Don’t be afraid to do something as simple as coming up with a new title to share with the world what you are really bringing to the table.


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