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Celebrate Your Victories and Bright Spots - It’s a 20 Mile March

3 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published December 29, 2014

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
our Rhythm ninja

It’s the end of the year. We are finishing up this year and preparing for the next year. Are you a glass half sparkler-477598_1280full person or a glass half empty person? Many analytical leaders find it hard to stop and smell the roses, to celebrate and thank their teams for delivering on a great year. We move quickly to analyzing what went wrong and coming up with key priorities and critical metrics to improve on these areas in the coming year.

It’s time to celebrate your wins

In his book Great By ChoiceJim Collins shares that the best companies have great rhythm and practice the concept of a 20 mile march. In good conditions or bad conditions, we get up and do our 20 mile march everyday. You need to strengthen yourselves every day, get into a good rhythm of thinking, planning and doing. And along the way, get into a rhythm of celebrating your wins. It’s not just a 20 mile march. It’s a series of 20 mile marches! Celebrating victories make your journey exciting, memorable and enjoyable. It gives you fuel for the spirit and inspires your team on your marathon of building a great company. So take the time to celebrate your victories; thank you your team members for their achievements and contributions as you prepare for another great year.

I would like to thank all our customers and readers for a wonderful 2014 here at Rhythm Systems. Thank you for allowing us to live our purpose and enjoy our journey together.

Congratulations for your victories and bright spots achieved this year. We look forward to learning about your victories in 2015!

Executive Summary from Patrick Thean's book Rhythm