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Does Saying Yes Mean Saying No?

3 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published July 08, 2014

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Barry Pruitt

Barry Pruitt
a Rhythm Consultant

Ever wonder why some ideas take off, and some don’t? We all know that it’s not arbitrary, but in Kevin Maney’s book, Trade-Off (Broadway Business, 2009), the puzzle is made clear in a way that will literally change the way you look at your own business – your leadership style, the influence you have, and the focus of your team.Kevin_Maney_Book_Cover 

The underlying theme of the book is that all products and services fall within a range of Fidelity, defined as the quality and aura of an experience, and the Convenience, meaning ease of use, access, and pricing. Maney details why striving for one or the other can help to narrow an organization’s focus, and how striving for both can spell doom.

He deftly illustrates his argument with a host of examples from products and companies we all recognize, and once the reader grasps the concept, you will find yourself nodding in agreement – and more importantly, applying the concepts.

Trade-Off is an entertaining book, whether you peruse the pages in hardcover or on your Kindle. Can you guess which of those is the “High Fidelity” and which is the “High Convenience” reading option?

I found myself comparing this to knowing your “who,” choosing a theme, determining a critical number, or giving thought and forecasting advantages of a winning move.

What about your meeting rhythms? Do you choose high fidelity or high convenience? It’s important for you to know what choice you're making and why. Every time you say yes to one thing, you and your team should be prepared to say no to another. This is using trade-offs in a most effective way.

I’m curious, how does saying yes mean saying no with your team and business? Say yes and post your thoughts below!