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Published February 21, 2016 at 12:00 PM

Which KPI Dashboard Should We Use at Our Weekly Meeting?

4 min read
4 min read
Picture of Tiffany Chepul

Tiffany Chepul
a Rhythm Consultant

As a Weekly Adjustment Meeting facilitator, you have several KPI dashboard views at your fingertips KPI-Stop-Signs-Dashboard.pngin Rhythm. Each dashboard serves a specific purpose and drives a particular discussion. So, how do you know which dashboard view will serve your team the best, prompt the right discussions, and drive results? 


The Scorecard view organizes your KPIs according to 6 categories: Employees, Customers, Sell, Make/Buy/Deliver, Shareholders and Record Keeping. In order for this view to be valuable, each of your KPIs would need to have the proper category selected. When using this view, the resulting conversation is around each of the categories separately.

The Scorecard view is most effective when used by the Executive Team, so they can get a holistic view of the organization. If you are the Sales Team, most of your KPIs would fall under the Sell category, so it wouldn’t be the best use of this view.

Energy Map

The Energy Map view lists your Group's KPIs, either according to how you’ve ranked them or alphabetically. To the right of each KPI, you’ll see a square representing each linked Individual Priority. In order for this view to be valuable, each of the Individual Priorities from the team would need to be linked to the KPI it supports (if applicable). This drives a very interesting conversation about the impact the Individual Priorities are having on the KPIs. For example, if your Revenue KPI is Red, but all of your supporting Individual Priorities are Green, you know your team is not doing the right things (or enough of the right things) to positively impact your number. This prompts a crucial adjustment conversation at your Weekly Meeting.

The Energy Map view is fantastic for teams who have several KPIs stuck in Yellow or Red. Most often, stuck numbers are a result of not having a sufficient amount of supporting team energy.   

13-Week RaceTM

The 13-Week Race view also lists your Group's KPIs, either according to how you’ve ranked them or alphabetically. To the right of each KPI is a circle representing the status of each of the 13 weeks of the quarter. This shows trends over time and drives an effective conversation at the Weekly Meeting. It’s great to highlight changes from week to week. It prompts celebration for items that move from Yellow/Red to Green/SuperGreen and adjustment conversations for items that are heading in the opposite direction.

The 13-Week Race view is the most commonly used KPI view in Rhythm. It drives an efficient and effective KPI conversation for most teams.


The Dashboard view allows you to customize your own categories of KPIs. This enables you to organize your KPIs into groups so you can design your own Weekly Meeting conversation. For example, some users have created a custom KPI dashboard named “Monthly Meeting” just for items to be discussed monthly. In this example, they also created a dashboard named “Weekly Meeting” for those items.

The Dashboard view is fantastic for Groups that encompass several different functional areas. For example, if the Operations Group includes HR, Finance and Compliance, they might have custom KPI dashboards set up for each area. This drives a conversation by functional area at their Weekly Meeting.


Of course, all of these views are heavily dependent on the team having strong Weekly Meeting Prep habits. Statuses need to be kept current and team members should comment on all Yellow and Red KPIs. Solid preparation habits result in strong Weekly Meeting conversations.

Another best practice is to change things up every once in a while. This keeps Weekly Meetings fresh and might even help the team see things from a different perspective. If your team always looks at the 13-Week Race view, try the Energy Map view at your next Weekly Meeting.

So, keep it fresh, drive effective adjustment conversations and have fun using the different KPI views in Rhythm! 

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