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Published May 11, 2012 at 07:30 AM

Mastering the complex sale - Taipan Masterclass 2012

2 min read
2 min read
Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
CEO of Rhythm Systems, CEO Coach and Serial Entrepreneur

Jeff Thull, author of Mastering the Complex Sale, was my guest speaker at the Taipan Masterclass 2012Jeff Thull - Mastering the Complex Sale-Second Edition in Manila Philippines.  I first heard Jeff 3 years ago at Verne Harnish's Sales and Marketing Summit.  What I love best about Jeff's methods, is his reference models.  Instead of selling, his reference models are professionals that ask more questions such as doctors, lawyers and detectives.  Instead of selling, Jeff suggests that you ask more questions.

Here are a few thought provoking key thoughts from Jeff Thull's session in Taipan:
  • Budgets are irrelevant.  Money will flow to the best return.  They will rob Peter to pay Paul.  Let's make sure we are Paul!
  • Rule of integrity.  If you were your customer, knowing what you know about your space, products and competitors, would you recommend what you are about to recommend?
  • You will gain more credibility through the questions you ask rather than the stories you tell
  • The purpose of a proposal is to reinforce a decision that has already been made.  So do not give a proposal until the customer has decided to change.
  • And finally…  Stop presenting!