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Does Your Company Have a Healthy Rhythm?

3 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published September 10, 2014

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Melissa Enriquez

Melissa Enriquez
sa is a Rhythm Consultant

Are there any areas of your business that are preventing you from growing to your highest potential? Maybe you feel like what once worked for your team doesn’t work anymore.  Your company is growing and with growth comes new challenges and ceilings of complexity to break through. Here at Rhythm Systems, we believe that your company needs to develop a healthy Think, Plan, Do Rhythm to achieve breakthrough execution and accelerate your growth.

So, what is a healthy Think, Plan, Do Rhythm?

Think Rhythm: A rhythm of strategic thinking to create focus for the future of your business 

Plan Rhythm: A rhythm of execution planning to let all teams and individuals know what they are supposed to do

Do Rhythm: A rhythm of doing the work to keep the plan on track


Together these three rhythms give your company focus, alignment and accountability so that you can grow and break through your ceilings of complexity.

Does your company have a healthy Rhythm?

Take our Company Health Check today to find out!

Our team of expert coaches has identified the following 9 areas that are critical for growing your business and developing a healthy Rhythm:

1) Winning Moves

2) Future Organization

3) Long Term Strategy

4) Annual Focus

5) Quarterly Planning

6) Red-Yellow-Green®

7) Weekly Adjustments

8) Execution Leadership

9) Accountability

As you take the health check, think through each question and select the choice that best describes your business today. At the end of the health check, you will be asked to select the two areas that you would like to learn more about. Based on how you assessed your business, we will provide coaching tips to help you start or further develop a healthy Think, Plan, Do Rhythm. 

We are excited to be a part of your journey, and we hope you enjoy taking our Company Health Check!

Take the Rhythm Company Health Check to find out the areas of your business holding you back