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3 Easy Ways to Add Videos Into Your Marketing Strategy

21 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published February 24, 2017

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Deb Colson

Deb Colson
the Sales and Marketing Ringleader here at Rhythm Systems

Our marketing team agreed that we needed more videos on our website at our Q3 planning session in 3 Easy Ways to Add Videos to your Marketing Strategy2016. As you know, being Red or Yellow on a priority is not an option. So, we needed to find the best solutions for our decision to get this done. 

After reading the blog “Why you need to focus on Video Marketing in 2017” – I knew we had made the right strategic decision. So, I thought I would share 3 different ways we were able to get excellent videos.

1. Use your Clients

Who better than your clients to talk about what you do? They are using the product or service and, hopefully, have some nice things to say about you. If they don’t, you may need to focus on your product or service first, but let’s assume you have a bunch of happy customers.

Here are some benefits we were not expecting:

  • They say things differently than you would, a lot of times – better.
  • Strangers trust them. After all, they are not selling anything, rather just telling their story.
  • The clients were more than happy to help spread the word for us. Guess everyone loves the chance to be famous for a day. 

How did we do it? Well, we were lucky in that we had a captive audience at our Breakthrough Conference. So, I just asked them. Now, you need to prepare them, have a nice place to capture their story and help with some questions you may want them to answer. But – that was it. Oh yeah – and be sure to say thanks. After all, they are taking time out of their busy life to do something nice for you. 

Take a look at one of the videos we created. 

Wistia video thumbnail - What Rhythm Solves

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2. Get Creative

Telling your story about how you help clients can be fun. We did a sports video to explain the journey of success we help you achieve. It was such a hit, we played it at our conference the day after filming.

How did we do it?

  • Someone needs to be willing to write the script. I suggest writing a draft and sharing it with a team of helpers along the way to get input and make edits.
  • You need to be able to get volunteers to star in your video.
  • You need an editor and/or to outsource the project.

We loved working with the team at Lastoria Productions, who did a great job editing and producing the video.

Check it out: 

Wistia video thumbnail - Get the Right Equipment for Your Business

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3. Get Animated

We call this our explainer video. It helped answer the question - what do you do? Pages of text and pictures on your website are great, but many people want to watch a quick video. This is the big-picture, high-level answer. Think of someone who just arrived on your website. What do you want them to know? 

Be sure to tell the whole story.

  • What is the problem your product or service solves?
  • Why does the potential buyer care?
  • How do you solve it?

 Enjoy our top level video. We were extremely happy with our video production team from SmarkLabs

Wistia video thumbnail - Rhythm Systems Animated Video - for BLOG only

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So, make this the quarter you go out and create some amazing videos.  

Which one did you like the most? Let me know. 

2017 Rhythm Systems Breakthrough Conference

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

  request meeting with Rhythm Systems