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Business Execution - Getting Focused!

2 min read

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published August 01, 2012

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
our Rhythm ninja

It takes discipline to focus.  Many of us might fool ourselves into thinking we are focused.  Here are some Woman_on_Laptopsigns that you may not be as focused as you would like to believe:
  • At the end of the week, you are asked what you did this week and nothing great comes to mind.  Yup, it was a good work week.  I worked hard, really hard.  And I did the usual stuff, you know, meetings to drive my team forward, etc…"
  • You finish each day tired, without a deep sense of accomplishment.
  • When asked what is your number 1 priority, you think: "Well…  I have 5 number ones…"
Try an age old formula to get more focused:
  • Make a list of 3-5 priorities, in order.  Start your day and think about what you need to get done in order of priority.
  • Decide to remain focused on #1 and get it done before moving on to #2.
  • When you complete all the items on your list, your day is done.  Celebrate your victories and enjoy the rest of your day.  This makes you stronger for tomorrow.