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Published November 06, 2012 at 10:03 AM

Great Execution Requires Persistence

1 min read
1 min read
Picture of Patrick Thean

Patrick Thean
CEO of Rhythm Systems, CEO Coach and Serial Entrepreneur

I was walking towards my gate at the Charlotte airport, and I heard a young boy ask his dad, "Dad, look!chess_game  Cinnamon buns!  Can I have one?"  His father said "No."  "Please?" "No!"  "Oh please?"  "No!"  This persistence continued all the way to my gate and beyond (their gate was further away than mine).

When we were children, we automatically knew how to be persistent.  We kept asking even though our parents said "No" many times.  Somewhere along the way, we got rid of our childish ways.  Along with our maturity, for some of us, persistence got dumped out as well.  

Great execution requires persistence.  It requires a "don't give up and keep pushing" attitude.  It requires a "I want that Cinnamon bun, and I am going to get it" attitude.