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Passion + Focus = Success

2 min read

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Published September 23, 2013

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Cathy McCullough

Cathy McCullough
a Business Growth Consultant and Culture Expert with Rhythm Systems

We hear a lot about following our passion, living to what we're passionate about, etc. Psychologists tell us that it's passion that drives us to do what we do and that it's passion that helps us define a sense of purpose. 

The world of leadership, executive coaching, strategy, and organizational culture (as linked to bottom-line performance) feeds my soul, and it literally ignites my passion to do more of what I do every single day. Helping leaders do what they do…better is my mantra. Using the pathways of Annual Planning, Quarterly Planning, Metrics Dashboards (such as Rhythm Systems' Rhythm Rhythm Systems Rhythm DashboardDashboard) and working with companies to focus on "Deep Dives" around Brand Promise, Core Values, and People, I'm able to help create stimulating and passionate workplace environments. It's in that way that I'm fortunate enough to make a positive difference to every single person in every single organization I'm privileged to work with. I share with leaders that once they find their passion they'll see that it's much like a match lighting a flame. The enthusiasm that naturally exudes from having a sense of passion is contagious.

Never underestimate the strategic value of passion. Passion is the soul's fuel. It is what generates forward movement and it's what gives an organization a sense of energy. In fact, passion plays a key role in the overall perceived 'personality' of your organization. If passion wanes, it's like a car that's running out of gas. Forward movement begins to sputter with jerks and jolts and a feeling of desperation begins to set in. Suddenly, passion is overwhelmed by a sense of survival.

Can passion be misplaced? Of course it can. But that's exactly why great leaders always want to challenge their own assumptions. It's why great leadership teams strategically create a sense of transparency with clarified goals and a common sense of purpose. As Jim Collins has said, focus and alignment are two critical elements of leadership. Focus is important, but alignment may be a leader's greatest work. Consider passion, then, as a strategic tool. With it, you'll see forward movement around meaningful goals and a unified sense of purpose. Without it, you'll have mediocrity at best.