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Strategic Software Features that Make CEOs' Jobs Easier

4 min read
strategic software features

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Published September 25, 2020

strategic software features

Photo Credit: iStock by Getty Images

Picture of Tiffany Chepul

Tiffany Chepul
a Rhythm Consultant

As a CEO, you have specific challenges from a leadership perspective. You have to keep your team ceo strategic dashboardconnected to your overall strategy, make sure they get the resources they need to be successful and drive focus & accountability at every level—this is no small task, for sure! CEOs who use Rhythm have some incredible resources right at their fingertips to help them do just that.

Keeping Your Team Connected to Strategy

As a leader, you are the connection from your team to the company plan and strategy. One of your key responsibilities is to ensure that the members of your team understand how their work impacts the rest of the company.

Rhythm can help you communicate the strategy and show the link between individual work and achieving your company's long term goals. By using the Project View on a Winning Move, you can illustrate how each team’s Priorities are connected up to the big picture of the company's long-term strategy.

This is helpful, not only for you to see, but also as a powerful view to use during company meetings, your quarterly kickoff, or any other forum with your team. It is a great reminder of why what they do everyday is important to the bigger picture.

strategic planning software


Maximizing Team Health and Development

As a leader, you are your team's advocate. One of your key responsibilities is to protect their bandwidth and enable them to achieve the KPIs, Priorities and other items on their Job Scorecards. By reviewing your Team's Performance Dashboard as part of your Weekly Meeting Prep, you can see how each person is doing on the Priorities and KPIs they own. If you notice that anyone has statused multiple items Red or Yellow, you may need to reach out to that person to find out if they are stuck or to offer assistance. Reviewing this weekly will help you keep your eye on who may be feeling stressed or overworked on your team.

team performance dashboard


Encouraging Team Focus and Accountability

Encouraging your team to use Rhythm daily can help you engage them and keep them focused and accountable to working on the right things. Using Rhythm daily yourself will help you keep on top of everything that you're accountable for accomplishing this quarter and make managing your team easier. Here are some tools in Rhythm to help you:

  • Mobile: You can use Rhythm on the web browser of any phone or tablet so you can stay in the loop even when you're not at your desk.
  • Comments: You can read the Comments that everyone is entering in Rhythm in a scrolling list by team. Peruse these at least weekly, and reply with your own Comments, as needed. This keeps you informed, lets everyone know you are listening and will help your team solve problems quicker with your input.
  • Use the Daily Question: As part of your Quarterly Planning Session, the executive team will have identified a Main Thing for the quarter. The Main Thing can be converted into a Daily Question. For example, if the Main Thing for the quarter is "Scalable Growth," the Daily Question might be, "What am I doing today to help us grow in a scalable way?" As a leader, you should be asking this question of your team often during meetings and one-on-ones. This is a great way to help them maintain focus.
  • Create a custom Watchlist: If there are Priorities or KPIs that someone else owns that you want to look at each week specifically, you may add them to your Watchlist. This will put those goals on your Dashboard view that you use weekly for your own Weekly Meeting Preparation. You will no longer have to go look for those goals, they will automatically be in your flight path.

The wonderful thing about Rhythm is the transparency and wealth of data that is at your fingertips. As CEO, it’s up to you to leverage that data and use it to drive growth, focus and accountability.  You can see a comprehensive list of Rhtyhm Systems software features.

Watch 2 Minute Overview of  the Rhythm System


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