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Published August 12, 2013 at 01:12 PM

Have Holes in your Rockefeller Habits Implementation & One-Page Strategic Plan?

5 min read
5 min read
Picture of Alan Gehringer

Alan Gehringer
a Rhythm Consultant

If you are like a lot of companies that adopt a new methodology, you want to do it all at once.  The problem is that it's just not feasible, especially if you want to do things well.  Patrick Thean often says, “Sometimes you have to slow down to speed up.” The typical approach is to begin working on the One Page Strategic Plan - Rhythm SystemsOne-Page Strategic Plan left to right filling in what you have or working through each piece as part of your Annual Planning Session.  There are elements of the plan that you cannot push aside like your targets, goals and annual and quarterly priorities.  But there may be areas of the plan that require more thought, research and time to develop effectively for the long run.   Spending more time on these areas will help you as you develop your Quarterly Plan and Annual Plan each year.  Some companies are in business for years, but have not documented their Core Values, Core Purpose, Brand Promise or BHAG.  These may be alive and well, but not written down on paper or communicated throughout the organization.

So, the question we get is "Where do I start to complete my One Page Strategic Plan?  I want to do it right and I want it to be complete."   The answer may be based on what you need to accomplish in the short-term term.  Are you trying to build your team or Top Grade the organization?  If so, you may want to discover and document your Core Values first.  This will allow you to hire the right people that will fit into your culture and be aligned with the goals of the business.  You can do this during one of your monthly meetings or schedule an independent session with your team to define them.  If you are trying to determine what markets to go after, you may want to spend time identifying the Sandbox you want to dominate.  If you are not quite sure where to start, here is a suggested sequence to get you started:

  • Define and refine your Core Competencies that give you a competitive advantage and that you work to be the best in the world at.
  • Determine the Sandbox you want to dominate in the next 3-5 years. 
  • Determine your X Factor to manage the chokepoint in your industry.

The sequence is just a suggestion and will vary based on your immediate needs.  The key is to take the time and build the foundation.  Fill in and document what you already have.  It does not have to be perfect.   Your plan should be a living breathing document, and you can wordsmith and solidify it as you work the plan, live with your developments and test your assumptions in the market.  It may take months or years to nail down some of these areas satisfactorily.  That’s okay; give yourself and your team permission to take the time to get it right.  Being patient will pay off as you plan for the future and build the company you desire.

Good luck while you Execute for Growth.


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